Terbaru Without You | Motley Crue

Without you, there's no change
Tanpamu, tak ada yang berubah

My nights and days are grey
Malam-malamku dan siangku terasa kelabu

If I reached out and touched the rain
Jika kurentangkan tangan dan kusentuh hujan

It just wouldn't feel the same
Rasanya takkan sama

Without you, I'd be lost
Tanpamu, saya kan tersesat

I'd slip down from the top
Aku 'kan terjatuh dari ketinggian

I'd slide down so low
Aku kan meluncur teramat rendah

Girl you'd never, never know...
Kasih kamu takkan pernah tahu

Without you, without you
Tanpamu, tanpamu

A sailor lost at sea
(Aku bak) Pelaut tersesat di tengah lautan

Without you, woman, the world comes down on me
Tanpamu, kasih, dunia jatuh menimpaku

Without you in my life
Tanpamu di hidupku

I'd slowly wilt and die
Aku perlahan kan layu dan binasa

But with you by my side
Tapi denganmu di sisiku

You're the reason I'm alive
Engkaulah alasanku untuk hidup

But with you in my life
Namun denganmu di hidupku

You're the reason I'm alive
Engkaulah alasanku hidup

But without you, without you...
Tapi tanpamu, tanpamu

Without you, my hope is small
Tanpamu, harapanmu tipis

Let me be me all along
Biarkan saya tetap jadi diriku selamanya

You let the fires rage inside
Kau menciptakan bara menggelora dalam jiwa

Knowing someday I'd grow strong
Tahu suatu hari nanti saya kan kuat


I could face a mountain
Aku bisa hadapi gunung

But I could never climb alone
Tapi saya tak mampu mendaki sendirian

I could start another day
Aku bisa hadapi hari yang baru

But how many, just don't know
Tapi berapa banyak, saya tak tahu

You're the reason the sun shines down
Engkaulah alasan mentari tetap bersinar

And the nights, they don't grow cold
Dan malam-malam, mereka tetap hangat

Only you that I'll hold when I'm young
Hanya dirimu yang kan kudekap ketika saya muda

Only you...as we grow old
Hanya dirimu... ketika kita tumbuh tua

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