Terbaru Pearl | Katy Perry

She is a pyramid
Gadis itu piramida

But with him she's just a grain of sand
Tapi bersama laki-laki itu, beliau hanyalah sebutir pasir

This love's too strong like mice and men
Cinta ini terlalu kuat, ibarat tikus dan manusia

Squeezing out the life that should be let in
Menggeser hidup yang harusnya dibiarkan masuk

She was a hurricane-cane-cane-cane
Dulu gadis itu kolam badai

But now she's just a gust of wind
Tapi sekarang beliau hanyalah tiupan angin

She used to set the sails of a thousand ships
Dia dulu menggerakkan layar ribuan kapal

Was a force to be reckoned with
Dia dulu kekuatan yang selalu diperhitungkan

She could be a statue of liberty
Dia dapat jadi patung liberti

She could be a Joan of Arc
Dia dapat jadi Joan of Arc

But he's scared of the light that's inside of her
Tapi laki-laki itu takut pada cahaya di dalamnya

So he keeps her in the dark
Maka beliau pun mengurung gadis itu dalam gelap

Oh, she used to be a pearl...Ohh
Oh, dulu gadis itu itu permata... ohh

Yeah, she used to rule the world...Ohh
Yeah, dulu beliau mengatur dunia.. oh

Can't believe she's become a shell of herself
Tak percaya sekarang beliau hanyalah kulit kerang

'Cause she used to be a pearl
Karena dulu beliau itu berlian

She was unstoppable
Dulu beliau tak terhentikan

Moved fast just like an avalanche
Bergerak cepat ibarat longsor

But now she's stuck deep in cement
Tapi sekarang beliau karam dalam semen

Wishing that they'd never ever met
Berharap mereka takkan pernah berjumpa

Back to III, IV

Do you know that there's a way out
Tahukah kamu di luar sana ada jalan keluar

There's a way out
Ada jalan keluar

There's a way out
Ada jalan keluar

There's a way out
Ada jalan keluar

You don't have to be held down
Dan kamu tak harus terkekang

Be held down

Be held down

Be held down

'Cause I used to be a shell
Karena dulu saya hanyalah kulit kerang

Yeah, I let him rule my world
Yeah, kubiarkan beliau mengatur dunia

my world, ohh, yeah

But I woke up and grew strong
Tapi saya bangun dan menguat

And I can still go on
Dan saya masih dapat bertahan

And no one can take my pearl
Dan tak ada yang dapat mengambil berlianku

You don't have to be shell, No
Kau tak harus jadi kulit kerang

You're the one that rules your world, ohh
Kaulah yang mengatur duniamu

You are strong and you'll learn
Kau berpengaruh dan kamu kan tahu

That you can still go on
Bahwa kamu masih dapat bertahan

And you'll always be a pearl
Dan kamu kan selalu jadi berlian

She is unstoppable
Dia tak terhentikan
Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: