Terbaru Puzzle Of My Heart | Westlife

It's the way she fills my senses
Adalah caranya penuhi inderaku

It's the perfume that she wears
Adalah wewangian yang ia pakai

I feel I'm losing my defences
Kurasakan pertahananku hilang

To the colour of her hair
Di hadapan warna rambutnya

And every little piece of her is right
Dan setiap cuilan dirinya tiada cela

Just thinking about her
Hanya memikirkanya saja

Takes me through the night
Membuatku bisa lewati malam

Every time we meet
Tiap kali kita bertemu

The picture is complete
Gambara itu jadi sempurna

Every time we touch
Tiap kali kita bersentuhan

The feeling is too much
Perasaanku pun rupa-rupa

She's all I ever need
Dialah yang kubutuhkan

To fall in love again
Untuk jatuh cinta lagi

I knew it from the very start
Sudah kuduga semenjak semula

She's the puzzle of my heart
Dialah tanggapan dari teka-teki hatiku

It's the way she's always smiling
Adalah caranya yang selalu tersenyum

That makes me think she never cries
Yang membuatku menerka ia tak pernah menangis

I feel I'm losing my defences
Kurasakan pertahananku hilang

To the colour of her eyes
Di hadapan warna matanya

And every little piece of her is right
Dan setiap cuilan dirinya tiada cela


Like a miracle she's meant to be
Seperti mukjizat, begitulah ia diciptakan

She became the light inside of me
Dia menjadi cahaya dalam diriku

And I can feel her like a memory
Dan saya bisa merasakannya ibarat kenangan

From long... ago
Dari masa lalu


Every time we meet
Tiap kali kita bertemu

The picture is complete
Gambara itu jadi sempurna

Every time we touch
Tiap kali kita bersentuhan

The feeling is too much
Perasaanku pun rupa-rupa


She's the puzzle of my heart
Dialah tanggapan dari teka-teki hatiku
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